V4.63 17 May 2005 (c) 2000-2005 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my). All rights reserved.
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license.
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses,
the BSD license will take precedence. See License.txt.
Set tabs to 4 for best viewing.
Latest version is available at http://adodb.sourceforge.net
Library for basic performance monitoring and tuning
// security - hide paths
if (!defined('ADODB_DIR')) die();
class perf_oci8 extends ADODB_perf{
var $tablesSQL = "select segment_name as \"tablename\", sum(bytes)/1024 as \"size_in_k\",tablespace_name as \"tablespace\",count(*) \"extents\" from sys.user_extents
group by segment_name,tablespace_name";
var $version;
var $createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE adodb_logsql (
"% of memory sorts compared to disk sorts - should be over 95%"),
'data reads' => array('IO',
"select value from v\$sysstat where name='physical reads'"),
'data writes' => array('IO',
"select value from v\$sysstat where name='physical writes'"),
'Data Cache',
'data cache buffers' => array( 'DATAC',
"select a.value/b.value from v\$parameter a, v\$parameter b
where a.name = 'db_cache_size' and b.name= 'db_block_size'",
'Number of cache buffers. Tune <i>db_cache_size</i> if the <i>data cache hit ratio</i> is too low.'),
'data cache blocksize' => array('DATAC',
"select value from v\$parameter where name='db_block_size'",
'' ),
'Memory Pools',
'data cache size' => array('DATAC',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'db_cache_size'",
'db_cache_size' ),
'shared pool size' => array('DATAC',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'shared_pool_size'",
'shared_pool_size, which holds shared sql, stored procedures, dict cache and similar shared structs' ),
'java pool size' => array('DATAJ',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'java_pool_size'",
'java_pool_size' ),
'large pool buffer size' => array('CACHE',
"select value from v\$parameter where name='large_pool_size'",
'this pool is for large mem allocations (not because it is larger than shared pool), for MTS sessions, parallel queries, io buffers (large_pool_size) ' ),
'pga buffer size' => array('CACHE',
"select value from v\$parameter where name='pga_aggregate_target'",
'program global area is private memory for sorting, and hash and bitmap merges - since oracle 9i (pga_aggregate_target)' ),
'current connections' => array('SESS',
'select count(*) from sys.v_$session where username is not null',
'max connections' => array( 'SESS',
"select value from v\$parameter where name='sessions'",
'Memory Utilization',
'data cache utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU',
"select round((1-bytes/sgasize)*100, 2)
from (select sum(bytes) sgasize from sys.v_\$sgastat) s, sys.v_\$sgastat f
where name = 'free memory' and pool = 'shared pool'",
'Percentage of data cache actually in use - should be over 85%'),
'shared pool utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU',
'select round((sga.bytes/p.value)*100,2)
from v$sgastat sga, v$parameter p
where sga.name = \'free memory\' and sga.pool = \'shared pool\'
and p.name = \'shared_pool_size\'',
'Percentage of shared pool actually used - too low is bad, too high is worse'),
'large pool utilization ratio' => array('RATIOU',
"select round((1-bytes/sgasize)*100, 2)
from (select sum(bytes) sgasize from sys.v_\$sgastat) s, sys.v_\$sgastat f
where name = 'free memory' and pool = 'large pool'",
'Percentage of large_pool actually in use - too low is bad, too high is worse'),
'sort buffer size' => array('CACHE',
"select value from v\$parameter where name='sort_area_size'",
'max in-mem sort_area_size (per query), uses memory in pga' ),
'pga usage at peak' => array('RATIOU',
'=PGA','Mb utilization at peak transactions (requires Oracle 9i+)'),
'rollback segments' => array('ROLLBACK',
"select count(*) from sys.v_\$rollstat",
'peak transactions' => array('ROLLBACK',
"select max_utilization tx_hwm
from sys.v_\$resource_limit
where resource_name = 'transactions'",
'Taken from high-water-mark'),
'max transactions' => array('ROLLBACK',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'transactions'",
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'cursor_sharing'",
'Cursor reuse strategy. Recommended is FORCE (8i+) or SIMILAR (9i+). See <a href=http://www.praetoriate.com/oracle_tips_cursor_sharing.htm>cursor_sharing</a>.'),
'cursor reuse' => array('CURSOR',
"select count(*) from (select sql_text_wo_constants, count(*)
from t1
group by sql_text_wo_constants
having count(*) > 100)",'These are sql statements that should be using bind variables'),*/
'index cache cost' => array('COST',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'optimizer_index_caching'",
'random page cost' => array('COST',
"select value from v\$parameter where name = 'optimizer_index_cost_adj'",
function perf_oci8(&$conn)
$savelog = $conn->LogSQL(false);
$this->version = $conn->ServerInfo();
$this->conn =& $conn;
function WarnPageCost($val)
if ($val == 100) $s = '<font color=red><b>Too High</b>. </font>';
else $s = '';
return $s.'Recommended is 20-50 for TP, and 50 for data warehouses. Default is 100. See <a href=http://www.dba-oracle.com/oracle_tips_cost_adj.htm>optimizer_index_cost_adj</a>. ';
function WarnIndexCost($val)
if ($val == 0) $s = '<font color=red><b>Too Low</b>. </font>';
else $s = '';
return $s.'Percentage of indexed data blocks expected in the cache.
Recommended is 20 (fast disk array) to 50 (slower hard disks). Default is 0.
See <a href=http://www.dba-oracle.com/oracle_tips_cbo_part1.htm>optimizer_index_caching</a>.';
function PGA()
if ($this->version['version'] < 9) return 'Oracle 9i or later required';
$rs = $this->conn->Execute("select a.mb,a.targ as pga_size_pct,a.pct from